Programming and Software Development Books

These are some of my favourite books about software development and programming topics.

Continuous Delivery

By Jez Humble and David Farley

Continuous Delivery is an essential book about improving the software delivery process.

Effective Java

By Joshua Bloch

Effective Java is sort of the missing manual for how to program well (in Java). “Learning to program” often means learning the basics necessary to make the computer manipulate some data or perform a calculation. But once you know about data types, control flow, objects, how do you effectively piece things together to create a readable, performant, and idiomatic program that remains correct after being updated by many developers with different levels of knowledge and skill? Effective Java teaches some of these best practices when using the Java programming language. This book is for people with a solid understanding of Java who want to become better programmers.

Learning Python

By Mark Lutz

Learning Python is an excellent book for…learning Python. It is most suitable for readers with some programming knowledge in another language. Reading through Learning Python will give enough background to kickstart someone in Python, and can be used as a reference to look up some specific language features.